Cleanwater1, Inc.

cleanwater1 is a leading provider of water and wastewater quality solutions, pairing proven brands like Polyblend® and Dynablend™ products, PAX Mixers, Monoclor® RCS and Microclor® systems, with cutting edge strategies and innovations to help customers meet and exceed water quality goals and regulations.
cleanwater1's water quality solutions focus on disinfection, disinfection residual management, THM reduction, tank mixing, liquid and dry polymer activation to achieve high water quality outcomes, while our wastewater treatment solutions focus on disinfection, solids thickening and dewatering and chemical feed.
Whether your focus is on water quality, wastewater treatment or both, cleanwater1 has you covered.
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Vineland, New Jersey
UGSI Chemical Feed, Inc. (“Chemical Feed”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cleanwater1, Inc., a global provider of on-site hypochlorite generation equipment, polymer activation systems, chemical feed systems, and potable water mixing and tr...
Job Type | Full Time |